I'm back from Not Back To School Camp!
I had an amazing time, even if I was lonely for a lot of it. The sad thing was that I got sick in the last couple of days, which was just when I was starting to feel comfortable there; but after I got sick, I had less energy to do cool things. (note to self: DO A BETTER JOB OF KEEPING MYSELF HEALTHY NEXT YEAR)
I've been talking my family's ears off about camp for the last day and a half, so obviously there's plenty to tell. But for now, I'm not going to go into detail. All I'll say, is that it was amazing to be with all of those people, and NBTSC truly is a very special place.
I've been inspired by so many people there, and I feel like I actually want to do all of the projects I've had ideas for in the past. I'm trying not to do too much just yet though, because I'm still sick, and would like to be slightly better by Sunday, when I will be going to the Shrewsbury Renaissance Faire, yay!!
So right now, I'm working on putting together my outfit for Shrewsbury, and I'm starting a big collage type thing I got an idea ages ago, but never got started on. I kinda want to keep the collage a secret until it's finished, but I'll say this, since a few people already know: I've been collecting LIFE magazines for about a year now.
You'll have to wait.
It's going to be awesome.
This is so very cool. It's my Visual Profile: