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Friday, April 4, 2008


BIRTHDAY WEEK! (also Spring Break)

DAY ONE: My actual birthday.
After finding out that the tattoo artist wouldn't be coming in that day after all, I grabbed a slice of pizza at american dream, and was joined by Jaylynn, Ana, Neebin and Patrick. We wandered downtown, and decided to head to the courthouse so I could get registered.

Here's a fuzzy camera-phone picture of me filling out the form.

We toured around the courthouse for a while. This was out of an open window on the highest floor we were able to get to.

Then after meeting up with Sophie and Bekka, we decided to do my plan B - Hand out helium-filled balloons to little kids. So we went to Special Occasions and got 11 balloons blown up. Then we took them downtown(which was tricky, with every seat in the car filled up already), and started our search for cute children, hehe. It was incredibly fun, the kids were all really excited to get a balloon. =D

After all the balloons were gone, Sophie, Ana, Bekka and I went to Woodstock's to join my family for my birthday dinner. We played with the toy claw machine, but nobody got anything.


All of my awesome presents from the day of my birthday:

DAY THREE and FOUR: ....nothing special.

DAY FIVE through SEVEN: Coast Trip with Ana and Charlotte.

It hailed like crazy AND snowed on the way over. Then it rained and hailed on and off for the first two days, but on Sunday it was sunny, and we spent a lot of time on the beach. =D

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